STOPPER are REUNITING here on Saturday, December 8th, 2012.

Stopper exploded onto the Atlanta punk rock scene in 1993. They quickly became known for their volatile stage shows and wild antics. In their heyday, they played with such national acts as Citizen Fish, Fear, Rancid, and the Meatmen.
The group disbanded in 1996, but are reuniting to raise money for frontman, David Shumate, sentenced to 20 years in prison after a failed suicide attempt in a drugstore. There is a documentary in production currently about them..."Stopper: The Rise and Fall of the Bastard Squad". Visit
Save Stopper Dave! for more details on their efforts.
Proceeds from the show will benefit Stopper Dave.
Stopper on Facebook
KarbomB are performing before Stopper.

Karbomb is a melodic hardcore/punk rock band that was founded in Athens, GA in 2005.
These Brutally honest, Southern drunx preach the punk rock gospels in the vain of bands like Propagandhi, RKL, A Wilhelm Scream, Comback Kid, etc... Karbomb prides itself on it's Live presentation so expect a Loud, Rowdy, fast as fuck- yet still musically precise show.
KarbomB on Facebook
Burns Like Fire will be performing second.

Burns Like Fire is a upstart punk rock n roll act outta Athens, Georgia. Comprised of ex-members of Guff, KarbomB, and Celerity; Burns Like Fire blends melodic punk rock with aggressive, anthematic vocals.
Burns Like Fire on Facebook
The Ignored will be starting the show.

In 1992 The Ignored were going to be the next big thing. Life so often deals you a terrible hand and we were no exception. The world had different plans for us. We recorded only 1 album that never got to see the light of day. Now 20 years later it looks like it may see the light after all. Enjoy it while you can...Loved By Hundreds Yet Ignored By The Rest Of The World.
The Ignored on Facebook
$10, 21+
Doors @ 9 pm
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