Monday, April 26, 2010

McNary Productions Presents SUPER HERO NIGHT on Saturday May 8th

On Saturday May 8th McNary Productions presents: Super Hero Night

We are not 100% certain what that means, but we do know that ALL show attendees who wear a super hero custom will get $4 off the cover charge.

Headlining is South City Riot

"The darkened city was engulfed in flames. The sound of breaking glass echoed across the landscape sending shattered tones of chaos through all ears close enough to hear them. Sirens blared in declaration, a warning of dissent in the city boiled over upon itself. Those in the thick of the upheaval would speak of the ground itself quaking beneath them, threatening to swallow whole the rising vitriolic tide of revolution. Angry, looting bodies filled the burning streets taking all their arms could carry. Fists pumped in the air, a violent show of hands united in mutiny. They had enough. They were tired, they were hungry, and they were taking back what was theirs by any means necessary. All bets were off and numbers were up. The people had become a live grenade, pin pulled hurtling toward their destination, to explode on impact in the fiery culmination of their resistance. This was the South City Riot, and it sounded like nothing else the world had seen. It would not be forgotten."

South City Riot on Myspace

Main support is McNary and Anne Harper performing together.

McNary - "I started playing guitar after college during the 2 years I spent in South America, mainly in Brazil.. I penned one of my first songs, "Cosmic", while living in Salvador, Brazil. Apart from those I love, music is what I live for.

In '08, After an unsatisfying 3 years in corporate America, I quit my banking job to dedicate myself solely to music. After a two year stint with rock band PlayGround Rivals, I began my solo journey. My goal is to be touring full time by the spring of 2011. Music is not a hobby for me. It is my career and my greatest love. Connecting with other humans through music is the most rewarding thing I've ever done."

McNary's Website

Anne Harper - Anne Harper's Website

The openers are Strange Planet

Stange Planet on Myspace


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